Sherlock Doc, documentaliste cinema, recherches historiques, travail documentaire

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Detective profile

My name is not Gloria or Sabrina but Audrey GALOPIN and I’m the sleuth you need. With such a name predetermines for The Sting, I’m yet the perfect working girl efficient and dynamic. I have a five years university degree in History in La Sorbonne (Paris) so I can say I was The perfect student. If I was in front of you, you could Read My Lips and see I’m ready to die for my job. I have developed a strength Self Control and I can keep a secret Up Close and Personal. If I work with you I will be able to face up to the town Traffic, catch a Cab every morning and take The Last Metro. I’m a Funny Face, with The Sixth Sense and I’d like to say when you have a job you loved It’s a Wonderful Life.

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